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Vespa Product Updates, August 2020

Introducing NLP with Transformers, Grafana how-to, Improved GEO Search Support, Query Profile Variants Optimizations, & Build on Debian 10

Vespa Product Updates, June 2020

Announcing support for approximate nearest neighbor vector search which can be combined with filters and text search with state-of-the art performance

Introducing NLP with Transformers on Vespa

We’ve been working a lot lately on evaluating Transformer models in Vespa. Here we show how and share a bit on how we view the benefits of inference in Vespa....

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in Vespa - Part 1

In this blog post we explore how the Vespa team selected HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs) as the baseline approximate nearest neighbor algorithm for extension and integration in Vespa....

The hardest problem in computing

What is the hardest problem in applied computing? My bet is on big data serving — computing over large data sets online.

Vespa Product Updates, May 2020

The May 2020 update includes Improved Slow Node Tolerance, Multi-Threaded Rank Profile Compilation, Reduced Peak Memory at Startup, Feed Performance Improvements, & Increased Tensor Performance.

Vespa Product Updates, April 2020

The April 2020 update includes Top-K hits, smarter data migration and CloudWatch integration. Contributing to Vespa is now easier with the release of a CentOS 7 dev environment. and the CORD-19 public API

The Vespa team has been working non-stop to put together the search app based on the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) released by the Allen Institute for AI.

Why most computation will become online

The most advanced companies of the world are busy moving their computation over data online. But why?

Vespa Product Updates, February 2020

Advances in Vespa features and performance in February include LightGBM support, improved tensor performance, benchmarking guide and query builder library

Vespa Product Updates, January 2020

The January 2020 update includes information about new tensor functions, updated sizing guides and various performance improvements.

The big data maturity levels

By now it’s well known that making effective use of data is a competitive advantage. But how advanced is your organization at making use of data?