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Perspectives on R in RAG

In this blog post, I share perspectives on the R in RAG.

Scaling vector search using Cohere binary embeddings and Vespa

Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash

Scaling vector search using Cohere binary embeddings and Vespa

Three comprehensive guides to using the Cohere Embed v3 binary embeddings with Vespa.

The Singaporean government deploys state of the art semantic search

The Singapore Government Pair Search

The Singaporean government deploys state of the art semantic search

The Singaporean government leverages Vespa to do semantic search in every word ever said in Parliament

Announcing Vespa Long-Context ColBERT

Announcing long-context ColBERT, giving it larger context for scoring and simplifying long-document RAG applications.

Embedding flexibility in Vespa

Why did Vespa score "Exceptional" on Embedding Flexibility in GigaOm's report on Vector Databases?

Vespa Newsletter, February 2024

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Vespa Newsletter, February 2024

Advances in Vespa features and performance include the YQL IN operator, new streaming search features, and embed using parameter substitution.

When you're using vectors you're doing search

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

When you're using vectors you're doing search

Combining scale and quality takes more than vector similarity search

Announcing the Vespa ColBERT embedder

Announcing the native Vespa ColBERT embedder in Vespa, enabling explainable semantic search using token-level vector representations

GigaOm Sonar for Vector Databases Positions Vespa as a Leader

Although we're more than a vector database, we're happy to be recognized as a leader in this category

Exploring the potential of OpenAI Matryoshka 🪆 embeddings with Vespa

Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Exploring the potential of OpenAI Matryoshka 🪆 embeddings with Vespa

Using the "shortening" properties of OpenAI v3 embedding models to greatly reduce latency/cost while retaining near-exact quality

Announcing IN query operator

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Announcing IN query operator

The new IN operator is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions, enabling writing more concise queries with better performance

Redefining Hybrid Search Possibilities with Vespa - part one

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

Redefining Hybrid Search Possibilities with Vespa - part one

This is the first blog post in a series on hybrid search. This first post focuses on efficient hybrid retrieval and representational approaches in IR