Revolutionizing Semantic Search with Multi-Vector HNSW Indexing in Vespa
Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash
Finding data items by nearest neighbor search in vector space has become popular in recent years, but suffers from one big limitation: Each data item must be well representable by a single vector. This is often far from possible, for example, when your data is text documents of non-trivial length. Now we are announcing multi-vector support in Vespa, which allows you to index multiple vectors per document and retrieve documents by the closest vector in each.
Advances in self-supervised deep learning models have revolutionized how to represent unstructured data like text, audio, image, and videos in a language native to machines; Vectors.
Encoding objects using deep learning models allows for representing objects in a high-dimensional vector space. In this latent embedding vector space, one can compare the objects using vector distance functions, which can be used for search, classification, and clustering, to name a few.
For embedding text data, models based on the Transformer architecture have become the de-facto standard. A challenge with Transformer based models is their input length limitation due to the quadratic self-attention computational complexity. For example, a popular open-source text embedding model has an absolute maximum input length of 512 wordpiece tokens. Still, inputs are truncated during training at 128 tokens, and trying to fit more tokens than used during fine-tuning of the model will impact the quality of the vector representation1. One can view embedding encoding as a lossy compression technique, where variable-length texts are compressed into a fixed dimensional vector representation.
Due to the context length limited Transformers, developers that want to index Wikipedia or any text dataset using embedding models must split the text input into chunks that align with lengths used during fine-tuning of the model for optimal embedding quality.
When changing the retrieval unit from articles to paragraphs, the nearest neighbor search in the embedding space retrieves the nearest paragraphs, not the nearest articles. To map the query-paragraph distance to a query-article distance, one popular approach is to use an aggregate function. For example, the minimum distance of query-paragraph distances is used as a proxy for the query-article distance.
With minimum distance aggregation, it’s possible to use a vector search library and index paragraphs, combining the article id and a paragraph id to form a new primary key. For example, using incremental paragraph numbers per article, instead of indexing the article Metric_space, developers could index Metric_space#1, _Metric_space#2, _Metric_space#3_, and so forth. This might seem easy at first sight, but there are many disadvantages to this modeling approach.
Relationships and fan-out
The developer needs to manage the fan-out relationship between articles and paragraphs. When the article changes, the developer must re-process the article into paragraphs which might leave orphaned paragraphs in the paragraph index. Deletion of an article requires a cascading deletion of all associated paragraphs from the index. Similarly, updating an article-level meta field requires fan-out to update the paragraphs associated with the article.
Result presentation
The unit of retrieval complicates search result presentation and linking to the source text. Consider searching Wikipedia; how do you link to the chunked text with the minimal embedding distance, which caused the article to be present on the search engine result page?
Result diversity
The closest K nearest neighbors in the paragraph level embedding space could be from the same article. Increasing the diversity of sources is especially important when used for retrieval-augmented generative question answering, where the generative model also has context length limitations.
Constrained nearest neighbor search
For constrained nearest neighbor search on article-level metadata, developers must duplicate the article metadata into the paragraph level for efficient filtering in combination with vector search. Thus, the more properties that naturally belong on the article level, the higher the duplication factor.
Hybrid ranking
Hybrid combinations of text scoring functions, like BM25, with vector distance, outperform other efficient retrieval methods in a zero-shot setting. Important text fields from the article, such as the title, must be duplicated into the paragraph index to perform efficient hybrid retrieval.
The following sections describe how to overcome these challenges using Vespa’s multi-vector HNSW indexing feature. Multi-vector indexing is available from Vespa 8.144.19. The post also looks behind the scenes at the industry-unique implementation. Furthermore, it also describes other use cases, which are greatly simplified with multi-vector indexing support.
Using multi-vector HNSW indexing with Vespa
This section highlights how developers configure and use multi-vector indexing with Vespa. The highlights are from an open-source sample application that demonstrates the new multi-vector indexing functionality.
Consider the following schema for Wikipedia articles, expressed using Vespa’s schema definition language:
schema wiki document wiki { field title type string {} field content type string {} } }
This is straightforward, mapping the Wikipedia article schema to a Vespa schema as before semantic search with vector embeddings made their entry. With length-limited embedding models, developers need to chunk the content into an array of strings to overcome length limitations.
schema wiki { document wiki { field title type string {} field paragraphs type array<string> {} field paragraph_embeddings type tensor<float>(p{},x[384]) {} } }
Notice the paragraph_embeddings
field, which is an example of a
mapped-indexed tensor,
which mixes a mapped sparse dimension (p) with an indexed
dimension (x). This tensor-type definition is similar to a
classic map data structure, where the key maps to a fixed-size array
of floats.
Using a mapped-indexed tensor allows variable-length articles to be indexed without wasting resources using a matrix (indexed-indexed) tensor representation.
In the above schema example, it’s up to the developer to produce the paragraphs in array representation and the vectorized embeddings.
With the above schema, developers can index chunked data, along with the embeddings per chunk, using the following Vespa JSON feed format:
{ "put": "id:wikipedia:wiki::Metric_space", "fields": { "title": "Metric space", "paragraphs": [ "In mathematics, a metric space...", "strings can be equipped with the Hamming distance, which measures the number.. " ], "paragraph_embeddings": { "0": [0.12,0.03,....,0.04], "1": [0.03, 0.02,...,0.02] } } }
Note that the developer controls the text chunking strategy. Suppose the developer wants to map vectors to the text paragraphs that produced them. In that case, the developer can use the index in the paragraphs array as the mapped dimension label. This helps the developer present the best matching paragraph(s) on the search result page, as described in the ranking section below.
Native embedding integration
Managing complex infrastructure for producing text embedding vectors could be challenging, especially at query serving time, with low latency, high availability, and high query throughput. Vespa allows developers to represent embedding models in Vespa. In this case, the schema becomes:
schema wiki { document wiki { field title type string {} field paragraphs type array<string> {} } field paragraph_embeddings type tensor<float>(p{},x[384]) { indexing: input paragraphs | embed | attribute | index | summary } }
In this case, Vespa will produce embeddings and use the array index (0-based) of the paragraph as the mapped dimension label. Regardless of using native embedders or producing embeddings outside of Vespa, developers must also configure a distance metric that matches the distance metric used during model training.
The following demonstrates a Vespa query api request with native embedder functionality. The native embedder encodes the input text ‘metric spaces’, and uses the resulting 384-dimensional vector in the nearest neighbor search. See text embeddings made simple and Vespa query language for details.
curl \ --json " { 'yql': 'select title,url from wiki where {targetHits:10}nearestNeighbor(paragraph_embeddings, q)', 'input.query(q)': 'embed(metric spaces)' }" \ https://vespaendpoint/search/
The targetHits
annotation to the nearestNeighbor query operator
is the target number of articles the
nearest neighbor search should expose to Vespa
ranking phases. Selecting
articles overcomes the article diversity issue associated with a
paragraph index, avoiding that all closest retrieved nearest neighbors
are from the same article.
Hybrid search
This query example combines the exact search with semantic search, a hybrid combination that has demonstrated strong zero-shot accuracy.
curl \ --json " { 'yql': 'select title,url from wiki where (userQuery()) or ({targetHits:10}nearestNeighbor(paragraph_embeddings, q))', 'input.query(q)': 'embed(metric spaces)', 'query': 'metric spaces', 'ranking': 'hybrid' }" \ https://vespaendpoint/search/
The userQuery() matches against the full article across all paragraphs and the title. Searching across all the fields improves recall of the traditional text retrieval component. The semantic nearestNeighbor component searches at the paragraph level, finding the closest paragraphs in the paragraph embedding space. Developers can also use multiple nearestNeighbor query operators in the query; see the nearest neighbor search in the Vespa guide. Multiple nearestNeighbor operators in the same query are convenient for query rewrites and expansions. Notice also that the query request includes a ranking parameter.
Vespa allows declarative rank expressions in the schema. The existing distance(dimension,name) rank feature now also supports mapped-indexed tensor fields and return the distance of the closest vector. With support for searching multi-vector fields, two new rank features are introduced: closest(name) and closest(name,label) The optional label is useful when querying with multiple labeled nearestNeighbor query operators. The output of the closest feature is a tensor with one mapped dimension and one point (with a value of 1.0). For example:
tensor<float>(p{}):{ 3: 1.0 }
In this example, the vector with label 3 is the closest paragraph to the query, which retrieved the document into Vespa ranking phases.
The following rank-profile orders the articles by the maximum paragraph cosine similarity using the mentioned distance feature. The match-features are used to return the closest mapped dimension label. This allows the developer to present the best matching paragraph on the search result page.
rank-profile semantic inherits default { inputs { query(q) tensor<float>(x[384]) } first-phase { expression: cos(closeness(field, paragraph_embeddings)) } match-features: closest(paragraph_embeddings) }
Using Vespa tensor compute expressions, developers can also compute distance aggregates, over all the vectors in the document and also the distance to all the vectors in the field.
Result presentation and snippeting
How results are presented to the user is commonly overlooked when introducing semantic search, and most vector databases do not support snippeting or highlighting. With Vespa, developers can display the best matching paragraph when displaying articles on the search result page using the closest feature combined with match-features. Vespa also supports dynamic summaries and bolding of query terms in single and multi-valued string fields.
This section lifts the curtain on the multi-vector HNSW indexing implementation in Vespa.
Vespa uses a custom HNSW index implementation to support approximate nearest neighbor search. This is a modified version of the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graph algorithm. To support multiple vectors per document, some changes were made to the implementation.
The HNSW index consists of a navigable small world graph in a hierarchy. A graph node corresponds to a single vector in the document corpus, and is uniquely identified by a nodeid. A graph node exists in 1 to N layers. On each layer, graph nodes are linked to other nodes that are close in the vector space according to the distance metric.
The vectors are stored in a tensor field attribute, and the HNSW index references these vectors when doing distance calculations. Each document in the corpus is assigned a unique docid, and this docid is used when accessing the vector(s) from the tensor field attribute. The HNSW index uses different internal structures based on the tensor type of the tensor field.
Single vector per document
The tensor type has one indexed dimension, e.g., tensor<float>(x[384])
The nodeid that identifies a graph node is always equal to the docid, which is used when accessing the vector from the tensor field attribute. No extra metadata is stored per graph node.
Multiple vectors per document
The tensor type is mixed with one mapped dimension and one indexed
dimension, e.g., tensor<float>(p{}, x[384])
In this case the nodeid is no longer equal to the docid, and an additional mapping structure is maintained. When inserting the vectors of a new document into the HNSW index, a set of graph nodes with corresponding unique nodeids are allocated. Each graph node stores the tuple {docid, vectorid} as metadata. This is used when accessing the vector corresponding to that graph node from the tensor attribute field. The vectorid is a number in the range [0, num-vectors-for-that-document>. When removing the vectors of a document from the HNSW index, the mapping from docid to set of nodeids is used to find the graph nodes to be removed.
The greedy search algorithm that finds the K (targetHits
) closest neighbors to
a query vector is slightly altered compared to the single-vector case.
The greedy search continues until graph nodes with K unique docids are found.
For each docid, the graph node (vector) with the minimum distance to the query vector is used
as the distance between that document and the query vector.
The result is the K nearest docids of the query vector.
The following summarized the changes to the HNSW index implementation:
- Extend the graph node to store a {docid, vectorid} tuple. This is needed to uniquely access the vector represented by the graph node.
- Maintain a mapping from docid to set of nodeids.
- Change the greedy search algorithm to avoid returning duplicate documents.
Performance Considerations
To measure the performance implications of indexing multiple vectors per document the wikipedia-22-12-simple-embeddings dataset was used. This consists of 485851 paragraphs across 187340 Wikipedia articles. Each text paragraph was converted to a 384-dimensional vector embedding using the minilm-l6-v2 transformer model using Vespa’s embedder functionality. Two schemas were created and corresponding feed files. In both setups, the size of the dataset was 746 MB (485851 * 384 * 4).
- Paragraph:
- 485851 documents with one vector embedding (paragraph) per document.
- Tensor field type:
- Article:
- 187340 documents with multiple vector embeddings (paragraphs) per document.
- 2.59 vectors on average per document.
- Tensor field type:
tensor<float>(p{}, x[384])
The tensor fields were configured with
angular distance metric
and an HNSW index
with max-links-per-node: 16
and neighbors-to-explore-at-insert: 100
The performance tests were executed on a AWS EC2
c6id.metal instance
with 128 vCPUs, 256 GB Memory, and 4x1900 NVMe SSD. 64 vCPUs were
reserved for the test. The following was measured:
- Total feed time and write throughput.
- End-to-end average query latency when using the nearestNeighbor query operator, asking for targetHits=100.
Total feed time (seconds) | Write throughput (vectors / second) | Write throughput (documents / second) | Write throughput (MB / second) | Avg query latency (ms) | |
Paragraph (single-vector) | 88 | 5521 | 5521 | 8.48 | 2.56 |
Article (multi-vector) | 97 | 5009 | 1931 | 7.69 | 3.43 |
As seen in the results above, the performance differences between the two cases are small. Feeding to the HNSW index when having multiple vectors per document takes 10% longer than in the single vector case, and the average query latency is 34% higher. These differences are explained by:
The HNSW index stores more information per graph node, and the greedy search algorithm must consider document-level uniqueness.
Accessing a single vector in a mixed tensor field attribute (e.g.,
using the tuple {docid, vectorid} requires an extra memory access and calculations to locate the vector in memory.
Unlocking multi-vector tensor indexing use cases
As demonstrated in previous sections, multi-vector representation and indexing support in Vespa makes it easier to implement vector search over longer documents. In addition, it unlocks many use cases involving searching in multi-vector representations.
ColBERT end-to-end-retrieval
ColBERT is a multi-vector representation model built over BERT, where each wordpiece in the text is represented by an n-dimensional vector. This contrasts single vector representation models that perform pooling of the output vectors into a single vector representation. Multi-vector representations have demonstrated higher generalizability than single-vector models in a zero-shot search ranking setting. With multi-vector indexing support, it’s straightforward to implement end-to-end retrieval using ColBERT with Vespa, while previously, one could only use ColBERT as a re-ranking model.
field colbert_tokens type tensor<float>(t{}, x[128])
Word2vec is one of the early ways to use neural networks for text search and classification. Unlike the more recent Transformer-based variants where word vectors are contextualized by self-attention, the word vector representation of a word does not change depending on other words in the text. With multi-vector indexing, it’s trivial to represent word vectors in Vespa.
field word2vec type tensor<float>(word{}, x[300])
Multi-modal product search
Multi-vector indexing is particularly useful for product and e-commerce applications where the product has lots of metadata to filter and rank on and where the product metadata is constantly evolving.
Using vector representations of product images, produced by text-to-image models like CLIP has become a popular method for improving product search. With Vespa multi-vector indexing, e-commerce applications can easily search multiple product photos without introducing fan-out complexity. Vespa also allows using multi-vector indexing for multiple fields in the same schema.
field image_clip_embeddings type tensor<float>(i{},x[512]) field product_bullet_embeddings type tensor<bfloat16>(p{},x[384]) field product_embedding type tensor<int8>(x[256])
Using multiple nearestNeighbor query operators in the same query request, coupled with a ranking function, e-commerce apps can retrieve efficiently over multiple vector fields and expose the retrieved products to ML powered ranking functions.
This post introduced the challenges developers face while trying to fit long text documents into the narrow context window of Transformer-based vector embedding models and how Vespa’s multi-vector HNSW indexing support greatly simplifies the process and unlocks new use cases without complicated relationship modeling and serving architectures. Multi-vector indexing is available from Vespa 8.144.19.
Get started with Vespa multi-vector indexing using the multi-vector indexing sample application. The sample application can be deployed locally using the Vespa container image or using Vespa Cloud. Got questions? Join the community in Vespa Slack.
Pre-training and fine-tuning the model using 256 wordpiece tokens instead of 128 (2x) would increase the computational training budget by 4x due to quadratic self-attention complexity. ↩