Jo Kristian Bergum
Jo Kristian Bergum
Chief Scientist

Hands-On RAG guide for personal data with Vespa and LLamaIndex

Hands-On RAG guide for personal data with Vespa and LLamaIndex

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

This blog post is a hands-on RAG tutorial demonstrating how to use Vespa streaming mode for cost-efficient retrieval of personal data. You can read more about Vespa streaming search in these two blog posts:

This blog post is also available as a runnable notebook where you can have this app up and running on Vespa Cloud in minutes ( Open In Colab )

The blog post covers:

  • Configuring Vespa and using Vespa streaming mode with PyVespa.
  • Using Vespa native built-in embedders in combination with streaming mode.
  • Ranking in Vespa, including hybrid retrieval and ranking methods, freshness (recency) features, and Vespa Rank Fusion.
  • Query federation and blending retrieved results from multiple sources/schemas.
  • Connecting LLamaIndex retrievers with a Vespa app to build generative AI pipelines.

TLDR; Vespa streaming mode

Vespa’s streaming search solution lets you make the user a part of the document ID so that Vespa can use it to co-locate the data of each user on a small set of nodes and the same chunk of disk. Streaming mode allows searching over a user’s data with low latency without keeping any user’s data in memory or paying the cost of managing indexes.

  • There is no accuracy drop for vector search as it uses exact vector search
  • Several orders of magnitude higher write throughput (No expensive index builds to support approximate search)
  • Documents (including vector data) are 100% disk-based, significantly reducing deployment cost
  • Queries are restricted to content by the user ID/(groupname)

Storage cost is the primary cost driver of Vespa streaming mode; no data is in memory. Avoiding memory usage lowers deployment costs significantly. For example, Vespa Cloud allows storing streaming mode data at below 0.30$ per GB/month. Yes, that is per month.

Getting started with LLamaIndex and PyVespa

The focus is on using the streaming mode feature in combination with multiple Vespa schemas; in our case, we imagine building RAG over personal mail and calendar data, allowing effortless query federation and blending of the results from multiple data sources for a given user.

First, we must install dependencies:

! pip3 install pyvespa llama-index

Synthetic Mail & Calendar Data

There are few public email datasets because people care about their privacy, so this notebook uses synthetic data to examine how to use Vespa streaming mode. We create two generator functions that return Python dicts with synthetic mail and calendar data.

Notice that the dict has three keys:

  • id
  • groupname
  • fields

This is the expected feed format for PyVespa feed operations and where PyVespa will use these to build a Vespa document v1 API request(s). The groupname key is only relevant with streaming mode.


from typing import List

def synthetic_mail_data_generator() -> List[dict]:
    synthetic_mails = [
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "LlamaIndex news, 2023-11-14",
                "to": "",
                "body": """Hello Llama Friends 🦙 LlamaIndex is 1 year old this week! 🎉 To celebrate, we're taking a stroll down memory 
                    lane on our blog with twelve milestones from our first year. Be sure to check it out.""",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-15T09:00:00Z"
            "id": 2,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Dentist Appointment Reminder",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-15T15:30:00Z"
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Wildlife Update: Giraffe Edition",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Dear Wildlife Enthusiasts 🦒, We're thrilled to share the latest insights into giraffe behavior in the wild. Join us on an adventure as we explore their natural habitat and learn more about these majestic creatures.",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-12T14:30:00Z"
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Antarctica Expedition: Penguin Chronicles",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Greetings Explorers 🐧, Our team is embarking on an exciting expedition to Antarctica to study penguin colonies. Stay tuned for live updates and behind-the-scenes footage as we dive into the world of these fascinating birds.",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-11T11:45:00Z"
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Space Exploration News: November Edition",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Hello Space Enthusiasts 🚀, Join us as we highlight the latest discoveries and breakthroughs in space exploration. From distant galaxies to new technologies, there's a lot to explore!",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-01T16:20:00Z"
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Ocean Discovery: Hidden Treasures Unveiled",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Dear Ocean Explorers 🌊, Dive deep into the secrets of the ocean with our latest discoveries. From undiscovered species to underwater landscapes, our team is uncovering the wonders of the deep blue.",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-10-01T10:15:00Z"
    for mail in synthetic_mails:
        yield mail  


Similarily, for calendar data

from typing import List

def synthetic_calendar_data_generator() -> List[dict]:
    calendar_data = [
            "id": 1,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Dentist Appointment",
                "to": "",
                "body": "Dentist appointment at 2023-12-04 at 09:30 - 1 hour duration",
                "from": "",
                "display_date": "2023-11-15T15:30:00Z",
                "duration": 60,
            "id": 2,
            "groupname": "",
            "fields": {
                "subject": "Public Cloud Platform Events",
                "to": "",
                "body": "The cloud team continues to push new features and improvements to the platform. Join us for a live demo of the latest updates",
                "from": "public-cloud-platform-events",
                "display_date": "2023-11-21T09:30:00Z",
                "duration": 60,
    for event in calendar_data:
        yield event

Definining a Vespa application

PyVespa helps us build the Vespa application package. A Vespa application package comprises configuration files, code (plugins), and models.

We define two Vespa schemas for our mail and calendar data. PyVespa offers a programmatic API for creating the schema. Ultimately, the programmatic representation is serialized to files (<schema-name>.sd).

In the following we define the fields and their type. Note that we set mode to streaming, which enables Vespa streaming mode for this schema. Other valid modes are indexed and store-only.

mail schema

from vespa.package import Schema, Document, Field, FieldSet, HNSW
mail_schema = Schema(
                    Field(name="id", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="subject", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="to", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="from", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="body", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="display_date", type="string", indexing=["summary"]),
                    Field(name="timestamp", type="long", indexing=["input display_date", "to_epoch_second", "summary", "attribute"], is_document_field=False),
                    Field(name="embedding", type="tensor<bfloat16>(x[384])",
                        indexing=["\"passage: \" . input subject .\" \". input body", "embed e5", "attribute", "index"],
                FieldSet(name = "default", fields = ["subject", "body", "to", "from"])

In the mail schema, we have six document fields; these are provided by us when we feed documents of type mail to this app. The fieldset defines which fields are matched against when we do not mention explicit field names when querying. We can add as many fieldsets as we like without duplicating content.

In addition to the fields within the document, there are two synthetic fields in the schema, timestamp, and embedding, using Vespa indexing expressions taking inputs from the document and performing conversions.

  • the timestamp field takes the input display_date and uses the to_epoch_second converter converter to convert the display date into an epoch timestamp. This is useful because we can calculate the document’s age and use the freshness(timestamp) rank feature during ranking phases.
  • the embedding tensor field takes the subject and body as input. It feeds that into an embed function that uses an embedding model to map the string input into an embedding vector representation using 384-dimensions with bfloat16 precision. Vectors in Vespa are represented as Tensors.

calendar schema

from vespa.package import Schema, Document, Field, FieldSet, HNSW
calendar_schema = Schema(
                    Field(name="duration", type="int", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="guests", type="array<string>", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="location", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="url", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"]),
                    Field(name="address", type="string", indexing=["summary", "index"])

The calendar schema inherits from the mail schema, meaning we don’t have to define the embedding field for the calendar schema.

Configuring embedders

The observant reader might have noticed the e5 argument to the embed expression in the above mail schema embedding field. The e5 argument references a component of the type hugging-face-embedder. In this example, we use the e5-small-v2 text embedding model that maps text to 384-dimensional vectors.

from vespa.package import ApplicationPackage, Component, Parameter

vespa_app_name = "assistant"
vespa_application_package = ApplicationPackage(
        schema=[mail_schema, calendar_schema],
        components=[Component(id="e5", type="hugging-face-embedder",
                Parameter("transformer-model", {"url": ""}),
                Parameter("tokenizer-model", {"url": ""})

We share and reuse the same embedding model for both schemas. Note that embedding inference is resource-intensive.


In the last step of configuring the Vespa app, we add ranking profiles by adding rank-profile’s to the schemas. Vespa supports phased ranking and has a rich set of built-in rank-features.

One can also define custom functions with ranking expressions.

from vespa.package import RankProfile, Function, GlobalPhaseRanking, FirstPhaseRanking

keywords_and_freshness = RankProfile(
        name="my_function", expression="nativeRank(subject) + nativeRank(body) + freshness(timestamp)"
    match_features=["nativeRank(subject)", "nativeRank(body)", "my_function", "freshness(timestamp)"],

semantic = RankProfile(
        name="cosine", expression="max(0,cos(distance(field, embedding)))"
    inputs=[("query(q)", "tensor<float>(x[384])"), ("query(threshold)","", "0.75")],
        expression="if(cosine > query(threshold), cosine, -1)",
    match_features=["cosine", "freshness(timestamp)", "distance(field, embedding)", "query(threshold)"],

fusion = RankProfile(
            name="keywords_and_freshness", expression=" nativeRank(subject) + nativeRank(body) + freshness(timestamp)"
            name="semantic", expression="cos(distance(field,embedding))"

    inputs=[("query(q)", "tensor<float>(x[384])"), ("query(threshold)", "", "0.75")],
        expression="if(cosine > query(threshold), cosine, -1)",
    match_features=["nativeRank(subject)", "keywords_and_freshness", "freshness(timestamp)", "cosine", "query(threshold)"],
        expression="reciprocal_rank_fusion(semantic, keywords_and_freshness)"

The default rank profile defines a custom function my_function that computes a linear combination of three different features:

  • nativeRank(subject) Is a text matching feature , scoped to the subject field.
  • nativeRank(body) Same, but scoped to the body field.
  • freshness(timestamp) This is a built-in rank-feature that returns a number close to 1 if the timestamp is recent compared to the current query time.

The semantic profile defines the query tensor user with nearestNeighbor search and a custom expression in combination with rank-score-drop-limit that allows for a query time threshold.

The fusion profile is more involved and uses phased ranking, where the first-phase uses semantic similarity (cosine), and the best results from that phase are re-ranked using a global phase expression that performs reciprocal rank fusion. Read more about Vespa RRF and cross-hit normalization.

Serializing from PyVespa object representation to application files

We can serialize the representation to application package files. This is practical when we want to start working with production deployments and when we want to manage the application schema files with version control and safe deployments with CI/CD in Vespa Cloud.

import os

def print_files_in_directory(directory):
    for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
        for file in files:
            print(os.path.join(root, file))


Deploy the application to Vespa Cloud

With the configured application, we can deploy it to Vespa Cloud. It is also possible to deploy the app using docker; see the Hybrid Search - Quickstart guide for an example of deploying a Vespa app using the vespaengine/vespa container image.

See Open In Colab for complete details on onboarding Vespa Cloud and deployment details.

Feeding data to Vespa

With the app up and running in Vespa Cloud, we can feed and query our data. We use the feed_iterable API of pyvespa with a custom callback that prints the URL and an error if the operation fails. We pass the defined synthetic generators and call feed_iterable with the specific schema and namespace.

from import VespaResponse

def callback(response:VespaResponse, id:str):
    if not response.is_successful():
        print(f"Error {response.url} : {response.get_json()}")
        print(f"Success {response.url}")

app.feed_iterable(synthetic_mail_data_generator(), schema="mail", namespace="assistant", callback=callback)
app.feed_iterable(synthetic_calendar_data_generator(), schema="calendar", namespace="assistant", callback=callback)


Querying data

Now, we can also query our data. With streaming mode, we must pass the groupname parameter, or the request will fail with an error. The query request uses the Vespa Query API and the Vespa.query() function supports passing any of the Vespa query API parameters.

Sample query request for when is my dentist appointment for the user

from import VespaQueryResponse
import json

response:VespaQueryResponse = app.query(
    yql="select subject, display_date, to from sources mail where userQuery()",
    query="when is my dentist appointment", 
print(json.dumps(response.hits[0], indent=2))
  "id": "",
  "relevance": 1.134783932836458,
  "source": "assistant_content.mail",
  "fields": {
    "matchfeatures": {
      "freshness(timestamp)": 0.9232458847736625,
      "nativeRank(body)": 0.09246780326887034,
      "nativeRank(subject)": 0.11907024479392506,
      "my_function": 1.134783932836458
    "subject": "Dentist Appointment Reminder",
    "to": "",
    "display_date": "2023-11-15T15:30:00Z"

For the above query request, Vespa searched the default fieldset we defined in the schema to match against several fields, including the body and the subject. The default rank-profile calculated the relevance score as the sum of three rank-features nativeRank(body) + nativeRank(subject) + freshness(timestamp). The result of this computation is the relevance score of the hit. In addition, we also asked Vespa to return matchfeatures, that are handy for debugging the final relevance score or for feature logging.

Now, we can try the semantic ranking profile, using Vespa’s support for nearestNeighbor search. This example also demonstrates using the configured e5 embedder to embed the user query into an embedding representation. See embedding a query text for more usage examples of using Vespa native embedders.

from import VespaQueryResponse
import json

response:VespaQueryResponse = app.query(
    yql="select subject, display_date from mail where {targetHits:10}nearestNeighbor(embedding,q)",
        "input.query(q)": "embed(e5, \"when is my dentist appointment\")",
print(json.dumps(response.hits[0], indent=2))
  "id": "",
  "relevance": 0.9079386507883569,
  "source": "assistant_content.mail",
  "fields": {
    "matchfeatures": {
      "distance(field,embedding)": 0.4324572498488368,
      "freshness(timestamp)": 0.9232457561728395,
      "query(threshold)": 0.75,
      "cosine": 0.9079386507883569
    "subject": "Dentist Appointment Reminder",
    "display_date": "2023-11-15T15:30:00Z"

LlamaIndex Retrievers Introduction

Now, we have a basic Vespa app using streaming mode. We likely want to use an LLM framework like LangChain or LLamaIndex to build an end-to-end assistant. The LlamaIndex retriever abstraction allows developers to add custom retrievers that retrieve information in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines. For an excellent introduction to LLamaIndex and its concepts, see LLamaIndex Concepts.

To create a custom LlamaIndex retriever, we implement a class that inherits from llama_index.retrievers.BaseRetriever.BaseRetriever and which implements _retrieve(query). A simple PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever could look like the following:

from llama_index.core import BaseRetriever
from llama_index.schema import NodeWithScore, QueryBundle, TextNode
from llama_index.callbacks.base import CallbackManager

from vespa.application import Vespa
from import VespaQueryResponse

from typing import List, Union, Optional

class PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever(BaseRetriever):

   def __init__(
      app: Vespa,
      user: str,
      hits: int = 5,
      vespa_rank_profile: str = "default",
      vespa_score_cutoff: float = 0.70,
      sources: List[str] = ["mail"],
      fields: List[str] = ["subject", "body"],
      callback_manager: Optional[CallbackManager] = None
   ) -> None:
      """Sample Retriever for a personal assistant application.
      param: app: Vespa application object
      param: user: user id to retrieve documents for (used for Vespa streaming groupname)
      param: hits: number of hits to retrieve from Vespa app
      param: vespa_rank_profile: Vespa rank profile to use
      param: vespa_score_cutoff: Vespa score cutoff to use during first-phase ranking
      param: sources: sources to retrieve documents from
      param: fields: fields to retrieve
      """ = app
      self.hits = hits
      self.user = user
      self.vespa_rank_profile = vespa_rank_profile
      self.vespa_score_cutoff = vespa_score_cutoff
      self.fields = fields
      self.summary_fields = ",".join(fields)
      self.sources = ",".join(sources)

   def _retrieve(self, query:Union[str,QueryBundle]) -> List[NodeWithScore]:
      """Retrieve documents from Vespa application.
      if isinstance(query, QueryBundle):
         query = query.query_str
      if self.vespa_rank_profile == 'default':
         yql:str = f"select {self.summary_fields} from mail where userQuery()"
         yql = f"select {self.summary_fields} from sources {self.sources} where {targetHits:10}nearestNeighbor(embedding,q) or userQuery()"
      vespa_body_request = {
         "yql" : yql,
         "query": query,
         "hits": self.hits,
         "ranking.profile": self.vespa_rank_profile,
         "timeout": "1s",
         "input.query(threshold)": self.vespa_score_cutoff,
      if self.vespa_rank_profile != "default":
         vespa_body_request["input.query(q)"] = f"embed(e5, \"{query}\")"

      with as session:
         response:VespaQueryResponse = session.query(body=vespa_body_request, groupname=self.user)
         if not response.is_successful():
            raise ValueError(f"Query request failed: {response.status_code}, response payload: {response.get_json()}")

      nodes: List[NodeWithScore] = []
      for hit in response.hits:
         response_fields:dict = hit.get('fields', {})
         text: str = ""
         for field in response_fields.keys():
            if isinstance(response_fields[field], str) and field in self.fields:
                  text += response_fields[field] + " "
         id = hit['id']
         doc = TextNode(id_=id, text=text, 
         nodes.append(NodeWithScore(node=doc, score=hit['relevance']))    
      return nodes                  

The above defines a PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever that takes a pyvespa Vespa application instance as an argument, plus some.

The YQL request specifies a hybrid retrieval query that retrieves both using embedding-based retrieval (vector search) using Vespa’s nearest neighbor search operator in combination with traditional keyword matching.

Running queries with the PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever

We initialize the PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever for the user with the app defined earlier. The user argument maps to the Vespa streaming mode groupname parameter, efficiently limiting the search to only a specific user.

retriever = PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever(
retriever.retrieve("When is my dentist appointment?")

[NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9232454989711935, 'nativeRank(body)': 0.09246780326887034, 'nativeRank(subject)': 0.11907024479392506, 'my_function': 1.1347835470339889}, 'subject': 'Dentist Appointment Reminder', 'body': 'Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist'}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='269fe208f8d43a967dc683e1c9b832b18ddfb0b2efd801ab7e428620c8163021', text='Dentist Appointment Reminder Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist ', start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=1.1347835470339889),
 NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9202362397119341, 'nativeRank(body)': 0.02919821398130037, 'nativeRank(subject)': 1.3512214436142505e-38, 'my_function': 0.9494344536932345}, 'subject': 'LlamaIndex news, 2023-11-14', 'body': "Hello Llama Friends 🦙 LlamaIndex is 1 year old this week! 🎉 To celebrate, we're taking a stroll down memory \n                    lane on our blog with twelve milestones from our first year. Be sure to check it out."}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='5e975eaece761d46956c9d301138f29b5c067d3da32fd013bb79c6ee9c033d3d', text="LlamaIndex news, 2023-11-14 Hello Llama Friends 🦙 LlamaIndex is 1 year old this week! 🎉 To celebrate, we're taking a stroll down memory \n                    lane on our blog with twelve milestones from our first year. Be sure to check it out. ", start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=0.9494344536932345)]

We can also try the semantic profile, which has rank-score-drop functionality, allowing us to have a per-query time score threshold. This will then also invoke the native Vespa embedder model inside Vespa.

retriever = PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever(
retriever.retrieve("When is my dentist appointment?")
[NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'distance(field,embedding)': 0.43945494361938975, 'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9232453703703704, 'query(threshold)': 0.6, 'cosine': 0.9049836898369259}, 'subject': 'Dentist Appointment Reminder', 'body': 'Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist'}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='e89f669e6c9cf64ab6a856d9857915481396e2aa84154951327cd889c23f7c4f', text='Dentist Appointment Reminder Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist ', start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=0.9049836898369259),
 NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'distance(field,embedding)': 0.69930099954744, 'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9202361111111111, 'query(threshold)': 0.6, 'cosine': 0.7652923088511814}, 'subject': 'LlamaIndex news, 2023-11-14', 'body': "Hello Llama Friends 🦙 LlamaIndex is 1 year old this week! 🎉 To celebrate, we're taking a stroll down memory \n                    lane on our blog with twelve milestones from our first year. Be sure to check it out."}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='cb9b588e5b53dbdd0fbe6f7aadfa689d84a5bea23239293bd299347ee9ecd853', text="LlamaIndex news, 2023-11-14 Hello Llama Friends 🦙 LlamaIndex is 1 year old this week! 🎉 To celebrate, we're taking a stroll down memory \n                    lane on our blog with twelve milestones from our first year. Be sure to check it out. ", start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=0.7652923088511814)]

Both profiles return the fields defined with summary, and the “extra” matchfeatures that can be used for debugging or feature logging (feedback data used to train ranking models).

Federating and blending from multiple sources

Create a new retriever with sources (mail and calendar data), and rerun the query (The default source was mail):

retriever = PersonalAssistantVespaRetriever(
    sources=["calendar", "mail"],
retriever.retrieve("When is my dentist appointment?")
[NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9232447273662552, 'nativeRank(subject)': 0.11907024479392506, 'query(threshold)': 0.8, 'cosine': 0.8872983644178517, 'keywords_and_freshness': 1.1606592237923947}, 'subject': 'Dentist Appointment', 'body': 'Dentist appointment at 2023-12-04 at 09:30 - 1 hour duration'}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='b30948011cbe9bbf29135384efbc72f85a6eb65113be0eb9762315a022f11ba1', text='Dentist Appointment Dentist appointment at 2023-12-04 at 09:30 - 1 hour duration ', start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=0.03278688524590164),
 NodeWithScore(node=TextNode(id_='', embedding=None, metadata={'matchfeatures': {'freshness(timestamp)': 0.9232447273662552, 'nativeRank(subject)': 0.11907024479392506, 'query(threshold)': 0.8, 'cosine': 0.9049836898369259, 'keywords_and_freshness': 1.1347827754290507}, 'subject': 'Dentist Appointment Reminder', 'body': 'Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist'}, excluded_embed_metadata_keys=[], excluded_llm_metadata_keys=[], relationships={}, hash='21c501ccdc6e4b33d388eefa244c5039a0e1ed4b81e4f038916765e22be24705', text='Dentist Appointment Reminder Dear Jo Kristian ,\nThis is a reminder for your upcoming dentist appointment on 2023-12-04 at 09:30. Please arrive 15 minutes early.\nBest regards,\nDr. Dentist ', start_char_idx=None, end_char_idx=None, text_template='{metadata_str}\n\n{content}', metadata_template='{key}: {value}', metadata_seperator='\n'), score=0.03278688524590164)]

The above query retrieved results from both sources and blended the results from the two sources using the per schema profile scores. At runtime, we can adjust scores per source, depending on, e.g., query context categorization. Another possibility is using generative LLMs to predict which sources to include.


This tutorial leveraged Vespa’s streaming mode to store and retrieve personal data. Vespa streaming mode is a unique capability, allowing for building highly cost-efficient RAG applications for personal data. Our focus extended to the practical application of custom LLamaIndex retrievers, connecting LLamaIndex seamlessly with a Vespa app to build advanced generative AI pipelines.

The tutorial also demonstrated the seamless blending and federation of query results from multiple data sources (multi-index RAG). We can easily envision adding more sources or schemas, for example, to track chat message history (long-term memory) in the context of a single user, offering a simple and industry-leading cost-efficient way to store and search personal context.

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