Jo Kristian Bergum
Jo Kristian Bergum
Chief Scientist

Result diversification using Vespa result grouping


Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Result diversification is a broad topic, and this blog post only scratches the surface of the problem. One might classify result diversification as a multi-objective list optimization problem. Conceptually, the core search or recommendation ranking function produces a ranked list of documents scored on a per-document basis. On the other hand, diversification looks at the overall list of ranked documents. From a high level perspective, the diversity constraints could be expressed as a similarity function which re-order or remove similar matches to obtain an ordering that optimizes variety. This post does not cover query intent diversification where query specification is ambiguous and where the engine might show different types of results based on most probable query intents.

Life of a query in Vespa

Before getting into the details on result diversification with Vespa, one needs to have a basic understanding of the distributed query execution in Vespa. For a query request that asks for a list of 100 best-ranking hits, the Vespa stateless container layer will fan out the query to the content nodes. Each content node produces a locally ranked list of top 100 hits out of potentially hundreds of millions of documents matching the query specification. The stateless layer merges the top 100 ranking matches from all the content nodes and retains the global 100 top-ranking hits. The number of hits that are returned is controlled by the hits or the YQL limit parameter. See also Vespa search sizing for more details on Vespa query execution and scaling Vespa deployments.

In the following sections, a differentiation is made between between hits and matches, where matches are documents that match the query formulation. Hits are a typically a small subset of the matches that are surfaced to the stateless search container.

Introducing Vespa Grouping Language

The Vespa grouping language is a list processing language that describes how the query matches should be grouped, aggregated, and presented in results as hits. A grouping statement takes the list of all matches to a query as input and groups/aggregates it, possibly in multiple nested and parallel ways to produce the result output.

The Vespa grouping list processing language runs over matches selected by the query formulation, supporting matches retrieved by traditional query filters, keywords, and nearest neighbor search. Thus, the Vespa grouping framework allows building rich search experience result pages with facets and list diversification irrespective of the query retrieval method.

Using Vespa Grouping Language

The following YQL query asks for ten best ranking hits from a doc document type ranked by the default ranking profile:

select * from doc where userQuery() limit 10;

The list of hits is not diversified in any way, just a flat list of ten top ranking hits out of possible millions of matches out of possible billions of documents in the index.

In the first example of using Vespa grouping language, one can imagine there has been an offline process which have categorized documents into a predefined category, uniquely identified by a numeric identifier.

schema doc {
  document doc {
    field title type string {..}
    field category type int {
      indexing: summary | attribute
    field doc_embedding type tensor<int8>(x[128]) {}
  rank-profile default inherits default {
    first-phase { expression { .. }} 
  document-summary short {
    summary title type string {
      source: title

Fields used in grouping expressions must be declared with attribute.

The following YQL query groups results for a userQuery() by category.

select * from doc where userQuery() limit 10 | all(group(category) max(10)
each(max(2) each(output(summary(short)))));

The above query and grouping specification groups all matches by the category field. The undiversified ranked list of ten hits are retained in the result set when using limit 10. The hits from the diversified result set is emitted by the each(output(summary())) expression.

To remove the un-diversified ranked list use limit 0:

select * from doc where userQuery() limit 0 | all(group(category) max(10)
each(max(2) each(output(summary(short)))));

Groups are by default sorted by the maximum hit relevancy score within the group. The outer max(10) controls the maximum number of groups returned. In addition, the two highest-ranking hits (max(2)) is emitted for each of the unique groups, in this case, categories. The Vespa grouping API supports pagination using continuation tokens. In the above example, the grouping expression used a single document attribute, it is also possible to group by expressions. See the grouping reference documentation. In the below example the group identifier is a concatenation of category and brand:

all(group(cat(category,brand)) max(10)
each(max(2) each(output(summary(short)))));

Result grouping is also supported when using dense retrieval with the nearest neighbor search query operator:

select * from doc where
([{"targetHits":100}]nearestNeighbor(doc_embedding,query_embedding)) limit 0 |
all(group(journal) max(10) each(max(2) each(output(summary(short)))));

In the dense retrieval case, using the (approximate) nearest neighbor search operator, the number of matches exposed to grouping is limited by the targetHits. This behavior is due to the nature of the approximate nearest neighbor search. There is no clear separation between a match or no-match like with sparse term-based query retrieval.

Controlling group ordering

The default ordering of groups is, as mentioned, the maximum relevance score of the hits in the group.

all(group(category) max(10) each(max(1) each(output(summary(short)))))

Is the equivalent of

all(group(category) order(-max(relevance())) max(10) each(max(1)

The - denotes descending sort order.

It is possible to order groups by more complex expressions working on match aggregates like sum() and count(), for example:

  • Number of matches in the group times the maximum relevance: order(-max(relevance())*count())
  • The sum of a document attribute times the maximum relevance order(-max(relevance())*sum(ctr))

Fine-tuning result diversification with phased execution

The grouping examples in previous sections are using “bucketing” as the diversity similarity function. The advantage of group bucketing is scalability. It is fast to compute globally over many nodes, over many matches. The downside is that the expressiveness of the diversity similarity function is limited.

Once the grouped result hits have been computed in parallel over all content nodes, the resulting hits can be post-processed using a more complex diversity similarity function. At the post processing stage the potential large number of matches have been reduced to lists of top ranked hits. Therefore, the diversity similarity function can use a richer set of features and compute complexity.

This type of architecture is a phased or tiered architecture where the first phase selects diverse “bucketed” candidates efficiently over potentially a large number of matches and the subsequent phases post processes the results using a more complex diversity function:

  • Vespa grouping language is used to fetch candidate documents which are diversified and ranked using bucketing.
  • Post processing logic on the top result ranking lists from the parallel grouping execution and implements a more complex diversity similarity function

It is also considerably easier to implement custom business logic like “Never display more than four of type x for users of type z” in the post processing stage. The downside of custom post-processing is that it complicates pagination support.

Post-processing diversity and business logic routines are best added by writing stateless searchers, for example implementing this diversity algorithm. Deploying the post processing logic in a searcher avoids network round trips and serialization and de-serialization. The internal communication protocol between stateless and stateful Vespa nodes is binary and is secured using mTLS so there is considerably less overhead doing round trips between a stateless searcher component and the content nodes.

The custom searcher function can also build and process the grouping request and response programmatically, see Searcher grouping api.

Serving performance

Four main components drive serving performance of query requests that use Vespa result grouping. In order of importance:

  • The number of matches the query produces per node. All the document matches get exposed to the grouping framework. The total result hit count of the query is equal to the number of matches exposed to grouping.
  • The total number of unique values in the field.
  • Ordering groups - using ordering expressions involving aggregates like count() or sum() is more resource-intensive than using the default max relevance order.
  • Finally, the number of nodes involved in the query.

The query selection logic controls the number of matches. Therefore, efficient retrievers like weakAnd/wand or approximate nearest neighbor search expose fewer matches to ranking and grouping. Thus, reducing the number of matches can improve the serving performance significantly and also, enhance the quality of the groups as low-scoring documents are excluded from the result grouping phase. The grouping language also allows limiting the number of matches that are grouped. For example, to limit the number of matches per node, use an

all(max(K) all(group(category) .... ))

In this expression, K is the maximum number of matches per node that grouping runs over. Only top-K ranked from the matching and ranking phases are considered.

It’s also possible to limit the number of matches exposed to grouping by using the match-phase degradation ranking feature. The match-phase limit sets an upper limit on the number of documents matched and ranked, using a document side quality attribute. The match phase degradation feature supports diversity, so that the matches exposed to grouping also are diversified. The match-phase diversification is currently not supported for the approximate nearest neighbor search operator.

The number of unique values the field is data-dependent, fewer unique values is better. The number of nodes in the cluster to which the query is fanned out increases network bandwidth. The performance impact could be mitigated using the precision parameter, limiting the number of unique groups returned to the stateless container nodes and reducing network bandwidth usage.


This blog post covered how to use Vespa result grouping to produce a mixed result set for both search and recommendation use cases. As many search and recommendation use cases it is best solved using a phased execution with gradually increasing complexity.

This post only covered single-level grouping expressions. However, the Vespa grouping framework also allows running multi-level grouping. For example, group by category, then by brand to further diversify the result. For further reading, see result grouping and result grouping reference.

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