Parent-child in Vespa

Parent-child relationships let you model hierarchical relations in your data. This blog post talks about why and how we added this feature to Vespa, and how you can use it in your own applications. We’ll show some performance numbers and discuss practical considerations.


The shortest possible background

Traditional relational databases let you perform joins between tables. Joins enable efficient normalization of data through foreign keys, which means any distinct piece of information can be stored in one place and then referred to (often transitively), rather than to be duplicated everywhere it might be needed. This makes relational databases an excellent fit for a great number of applications.

However, if we require scalable, real-time data processing with millisecond latency our options become more limited. To see why, and to investigate how parent-child can help us, we’ll consider a hypothetical use case.

A grand business idea

Let’s assume we’re building a disruptive startup for serving the cutest possible cat picture advertisements imaginable. Advertisers will run multiple campaigns, each with their own set of ads. Since they will (of course) pay us for this privilege, campaigns will have an associated budget which we have to manage at serving time. In particular, we don’t want to serve ads for a campaign that has spent all its money, as that would be free advertising. We must also ensure that campaign budgets are frequently updated when their ads have been served.

Our initial, relational data model might look like this:

    id: (primary key)
    company_name: string
    contact_person_email: string

    id: (primary key)
    advertiser_id: (foreign key to
    name: string
    budget: int

    id: (primary key)
    campaign_id: (foreign key to
    cuteness: float
    cat_picture_url: string

This data normalization lets us easily update the budgets for all ads in a single operation, which is important since we don’t want to serve ads for which there is no budget. We can also get the advertiser name for all individual ads transitively via their campaign.

Scaling our expectations

Since we’re expecting our startup to rapidly grow to a massive size, we want to make sure we can scale from day one. As the number of ad queries grow, we ideally want scaling up to be as simple as adding more server capacity.

Unfortunately, scaling joins beyond a single server is a significant design and engineering challenge. As a consequence, most of the new data stores released in the past decade have been of the “NoSQL” variant (which might also be called “non-relational databases”). NoSQL’s horizontal scalability is usually achieved by requiring an application developer to explicitly de-normalize all data. This removes the need for joins altogether. For our use case, we have to store budget and advertiser name across multiple document types and instances (duplicated data here marked with bold text):

    id: (primary key)
    company_name: string
    contact_person_email: string

    id: (primary key)
    advertiser_company_name : string
    name: string
    budget: int

    id: (primary key)
    campaign_budget : int
    campaign_advertiser_company_name : string
    cuteness: float
    cat_picture_url: string

Now we can scale horizontally for queries, but updating the budget of a campaign requires updating all its ads. This turns an otherwise O(1) operation into O(n), and we likely have to implement this update logic ourselves as part of our application. We’ll be expecting thousands of budget updates to our cat ad campaigns per second. Multiplying this by an unknown number is likely to overload our servers or lose us money. Or both at the same time.

A pragmatic middle ground

In the middle between these two extremes of “arbitrary joins” and “no joins at all” we have parent-child relationships. These enable a subset of join functionality, but with enough restrictions that they can be implemented efficiently at scale. One core restriction is that your data relationships must be possible to represented as a directed, acyclic graph (DAG).

As it happens, this is the case with our cat picture advertisement use case; Advertiser is a parent to 0-n _Campaign_s, each of which in turn is a parent to 0-n _Ad_s. Being able to represent this natively in our application would get us functionally very close to the original, relational schema.

We’ll see very shortly how this can be directly mapped to Vespa’s parent-child feature support.

Parent-child support in Vespa

Creating the data model

Vespa’s fundamental data model is that of documents. Each document belongs to a particular schema and has a user-provided unique identifier. Such a schema is known as a document type and is specified in a search definition file. A document may have an arbitrary number of fields of different types. Some of these may be indexed, some may be kept in memory, all depending on the schema. A Vespa application may contain many document types.

Here’s how the Vespa equivalent of the above denormalized schema could look (again bolding where we’re duplicating information):
    search advertiser {
        document advertiser {
            field company_name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field contact_person_email type string {
                indexing: summary
    search campaign {
        document campaign {
            field advertiser_company_name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field budget type int {
                indexing: attribute | summary
    search ad {
        document ad {
            field campaign_budget type int {
                indexing: attribute | summary attribute: fast-search
            field campaign_advertiser_company_name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field cuteness type float {
                indexing: attribute | summary attribute: fast-search
            field cat_picture_url type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary

Note that since all documents in Vespa must already have a unique ID, we do not need to model the primary key IDs explicitly.

We’ll now see how little it takes to change this to its normalized equivalent by using parent-child.

Parent-child support adds two new types of declared fields to Vespa; references and imported fields.

A reference field contains the unique identifier of a parent document of a given document type. It is analogous to a foreign key in a relational database, or a pointer in Java/C++. A document may contain many reference fields, with each potentially referencing entirely different documents.

We want each ad to reference its parent campaign, so we add the following to

    field campaign_ref type reference<campaign> {
        indexing: attribute

We also add a reference from a campaign to its advertiser in

    field advertiser_ref type reference<advertiser> {
        indexing: attribute

Since a reference just points to a particular document, it cannot be directly used in queries. Instead, imported fields are used to access a particular field within a referenced document. Imported fields are virtual; they do not take up any space in the document itself and they cannot be directly written to by put or update operations.

Add to search campaign in

    import field advertiser_ref.company_name as campaign_company_name {}

Add to search ad in

    import field campaign_ref.budget as ad_campaign_budget {}

You can import a parent field which itself is an imported field. This enables transitive field lookups.

Add to search ad in

    import field campaign_ref.campaign_company_name as ad_campaign_company_name {}

After removing the now redundant fields, our normalized schema looks like this:
    search advertiser {
        document advertiser {
            field company_name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field contact_person_email type string {
                indexing: summary
    search campaign {
        document campaign {
            field advertiser_ref type reference<advertiser> {
                indexing: attribute
            field name type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
            field budget type int {
                indexing: attribute | summary
        import field advertiser_ref.company_name as campaign_company_name {}
    search ad {
        document ad {
            field campaign_ref type reference<campaign> {
                indexing: attribute
            field cuteness type float {
                indexing: attribute | summary attribute: fast-search
            field cat_picture_url type string {
                indexing: attribute | summary
        import field campaign_ref.budget as ad_campaign_budget {}
        import field campaign_ref.campaign_company_name as ad_campaign_company_name {}

Feeding with references

When feeding documents to Vespa, references are assigned like any other string field:

        "put": "id:test:advertiser::acme",
        "fields": {
            "company_name": "ACME Inc. cats and rocket equipment",
            "contact_person_email": ""
        "put": "id:acme:campaign::catnip",
        "fields": {
            "advertiser_ref": "id:test:advertiser::acme",
            "name": "Most excellent catnip deals",
            "budget": 500
        "put": "id:acme:ad::1",
        "fields": {
            "campaign_ref": "id:acme:campaign::catnip",
            "cuteness": 100.0,
            "cat_picture_url": "/acme/super_cute.jpg"

We can efficiently update the budget of a single campaign, immediately affecting all its child ads:

        "update": "id:test:campaign::catnip",
        "fields": {
            "budget": {
                "assign": 450

Querying using imported fields

You can use imported fields in queries as if they were a regular field. Here are some examples using YQL:

Find all ads that still have a budget left in their campaign:

select * from ad where ad_campaign_budget > 0

Find all ads that have less than $500 left in their budget and belong to an advertiser whose company name contains the word “ACME”:

select * from ad where ad_campaign_budget < 500 and ad_campaign_company_name contains "ACME"

Note that imported fields are not part of the default document summary, so you must add them explicitly to a separate summary if you want their values returned as part of a query result:

document-summary my_ad_summary {
    summary ad_campaign_budget type int {}
    summary ad_campaign_company_name type string {}
    summary cuteness type float {}
    summary cat_picture_url type string {}

Add summary=my_ad_summary as a query HTTP request parameter to use it.

Global documents

One of the primary reasons why distributed, generalized joins are so hard to do well efficiently is that performing a join on node A might require looking at data that is only found on node B (or node C, or D…). Vespa gets around this problem by requiring that all documents that may be joined against are always present on every single node. This is achieved by marking parent documents as global in the services.xml declaration. Global documents are automatically distributed to all nodes in the cluster. In our use case, both advertisers and campaigns are used as parents:

    <document mode="index" type="advertiser" global="true"/>
    <document mode="index" type="campaign" global="true"/>
    <document mode="index" type="ad"/>

You cannot deploy an application containing reference fields pointing to non-global document types. Vespa verifies this at deployment time.


Feeding of campaign budget updates

Scenario: feed 2 million ad documents 4 times to a content cluster with one node, each time with a different ratio between ads and parent campaigns. Treat 1:1 as baseline (i.e. 2 million ads, 2 million campaigns). Measure relative speedup as the ratio of how many fewer campaigns must be fed to update the budget in all ads.


  • 1 ad per campaign: 35000 campaign puts/second
  • 10 ads per campaign: 29000 campaign puts/second, 8.2x relative speedup
  • 100 ads per campaign: 19000 campaign puts/second, 54x relative speedup
  • 1000 ads percampaign: 6200 campaign puts/second, 177x relative speedup

Note that there is some cost associated with higher fan-outs due to internal management of parent-child mappings, so the speedup is not linear with the fan-out.

Searching on ads based on campaign budgets

Scenario: we want to search for all ads having a specific budget value. First measure with all ad budgets denormalized, then using an imported budget field from the ads’ referenced campaign documents. As with the feeding benchmark, we’ll use 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ads per campaign with a total of 2 million ads combined across all campaigns. Measure average latency over 5 runs.

In each case, the budget attribute is declared as fast-search, which means it has a B-tree index. This allows for efficent value and range searches.


  • 1 ad per campaign: denormalized 0.742 ms, imported 0.818 ms, 10.2% slowdown
  • 10 ads per campaign: denormalized 0.986 ms, imported 1.186 ms, 20.2% slowdown
  • 100 ads per campaign: denormalized 0.830 ms, imported 0.958 ms, 15.4% slowdown
  • 1000 ads per campaign: denormalized 0.936 ms, imported 0.922 ms, 1.5% speedup

The observed speedup for the biggest fan-out is likely an artifact of measurement noise.

We can see that although there is generally some cost associated with the extra indirection, it is dwarfed by the speedup we get at feeding time.

Practical concerns

Although a powerful feature, parent-child does not make sense for every use case.

Prefer to use parent-child if the relationships between your data items can be naturally represented with such a hierarchy. The 3-level ad → campaign → advertiser example we’ve covered is such a use case.

Parent-child is limited to DAG relations and therefore can’t be used to model an arbitrary graph.

Parent-child in Vespa is currently only useful when searching in child documents. Queries can follow references from children to parents, but can’t go from parents to children. This is due to how Vespa maintains its internal reference mappings.

You CAN search for

  • “All campaigns with advertiser name X” (campaign → advertiser)
  • “All ads with a campaign whose budget is greater than X” (ad → campaign)
  • “All ads with advertiser name X” (ad → campaign → advertiser, via transitive import)

You CAN’T search for

  • “All advertisers with campaigns that have a budget greater than X” (campaign ← advertiser)
  • “All campaigns that have more than N ads” (ad ← campaign)

Parent-child references do not enforce referential integrity constraints. You can feed a child document containing a reference to a parent document that does not exist. Note that you can feed the missing parent document later. Vespa will automatically resolve references from existing child documents.

A lot of work has gone into minimizing the performance impact of using imported fields, but there is still some performance penalty introduced by the parent-child indirection. This means that using a denormalized data model may still be faster at search time, while a normalized parent-child model will generally be faster to feed. You must determine what you expect to be the bottleneck in your application and perform benchmarks for your particular use case.

There is a fixed per-document memory cost associated with maintaining the internal parent-child mappings.

Fields that are imported from a parent must be declared as attribute in the parent document type.

As mentioned in the Global documents section, all parent documents must be present on all nodes. This is one of the biggest caveats with the parent-child feature: all nodes must have sufficient capacity for all parents. A core assumption that we have made for the use of this feature is the number of parent documents is much lower than the number of child documents. At least an order of magnitude fewer documents per parent level is a reasonable heuristic.

Comparisons with other systems


ElasticSearch also offers native support for parent-child in its data and query model. There are some distinct differences:

  • In ElasticSearch it’s the user’s responsibility to ensure child documents are explicitly placed on the same shard as its parents (source). This trades off ease of use with not requiring all parents on all nodes.
  • Changing a parent reference in ElasticSearch requires a manual delete of the child before it can be reinserted in the new parent shard (source). Parent references in Vespa can be changed with ordinary field updates at any point in time.
  • In ElasticSearch, referencing fields in parents is done explicitly with “has_parent” query operators (source), while Vespa abstracts this away as regular field accesses.
  • ElasticSearch has a “has_child” query operator which allows for querying parents based on properties of their children (source). Vespa does not currently support this.
  • ElasticSearch reports query slowdowns of 500-1000% when using parent-child (source), while expected overhead when using parent-child attribute fields in Vespa is on the order of 10-20%.
  • ElasticSearch uses a notion of a “global ordinals” index which must be rebuilt upon changes to the parent set. This may take several seconds and introduce latency spikes (source). All parent-child reference management in Vespa is fully real-time with no additional rebuild costs at feeding or serving time.

Distributed SQL stores

In the recent years there has been a lot of promising development happening on the distributed SQL database (“NewSQL”) front. In particular, both the open-source CockroachDB and Google’s proprietary Spanner architectures offer distributed transactions and joins at scale. As these are both aimed primarily at solving OLTP use cases rather than realtime serving, we will not cover these any further here.


In this blog post we’ve looked at Vespa’s new parent-child feature and how it can be used to normalize common data models. We’ve demonstrated how introducing parents both greatly speeds up and simplifies updating information shared between many documents. We’ve also seen that doing so introduces only a minor performance impact on search queries.

Have an exciting use case for parent-child that you’re working on? Got any questions? Let us know!
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