Geir Storli
Geir Storli
Senior Principal Vespa Engineer
Jo Kristian Bergum
Jo Kristian Bergum
Chief Scientist
Radu Gheorghe
Radu Gheorghe
Software Engineer

Elasticsearch vs Vespa Performance Comparison

We recently benchmarked Elasticsearch and Vespa and wrote a very detailed 84-page report that aims to be clear and educational. There, we go beyond the benchmark results: we start by showing how we see fair and comprehensive benchmarking. Then we add details about the architectures of both Elasticsearch and Vespa. Finally, after the results, you’ll see how you can reproduce the benchmark on your own hardware.

Below, you will find the executive summary of the technical report and its table of contents. You can download the full report here. Enjoy!

Executive Summary

This report presents a reproducible and comprehensive performance comparison between Vespa (8.427.7) and Elasticsearch (8.15.2) for an e-commerce search application using a dataset of 1 million products. The benchmark evaluates both write operations (document ingestion and updates) and query performance across different search strategies: lexical matching, vector similarity, and hybrid approaches. All query types are configured to return equivalent results, ensuring a fair, apples-to-apples comparison.

Vespa demonstrates significant query performance, scalability, and update efficiency advantages.
The illustration shows queries per second per CPU core for different query types and reveals Vespa’s significant query efficiency advantages:

  • Hybrid Queries: Vespa achieves 8.5x higher throughput per CPU core than Elasticsearch.
  • Vector Searches: Vespa demonstrates up to 12.9x higher throughput per CPU core.
  • Lexical Searches: Vespa yields 6.5x better throughput per CPU core.

Updates: Vespa is about 4x more efficient than Elasticsearch for in-place updates. While Elasticsearch demonstrates high efficiency during the initial write (bootstrap from 0 to 1M) phase, Vespa excels in steady-state operations, handling queries and updates more efficiently.

The following illustration compares how both systems handle hybrid queries, showing the relationship between latency, CPU usage, and query throughput as user concurrency increases.
Vespa shows higher CPU efficiency, demonstrated by a lower CPU usage gradient compared to Elasticsearch. This superior performance efficiency directly reduces infrastructure costs, as demonstrated in section 10 of the report, where the efficiency improvements yield up to 5x reduction in infrastructure costs.

The findings of this report align with feedback from organizations that have migrated their e-commerce solutions from Elasticsearch to Vespa. In “Vinted Search Scaling Chapter 8: Goodbye Elasticsearch, Hello Vespa Search Engine”, they summarize their migration experience with the following:

The migration was a roaring success. We managed to cut the number of servers we use in half (down to 60). The consistency of search results has improved since we’re now using just one deployment (or cluster, in Vespa terms) to handle all traffic. Search latency has improved by 2.5x and indexing latency by 3x. The time it takes for a change to be visible in search has dropped from 300 seconds (Elasticsearch’s refresh interval) to just 5 seconds. Our search traffic is stable, the query load is deterministic, and we’re ready to scale even further.

Download the report

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Table of Contents
3. Preface
4. Benchmark Use Case & Dataset
  4.1 Dataset
  4.2 Workloads
    4.2.1 Write workloads
      Initial writing of product documents
      Updating the price of each product by rewriting all documents again
      Updating the price of each product by partial update.
    4.2.2 Query workloads
5. Elasticsearch vs Vespa Architectural Differences
  5.1 Write Path
    5.1.1 Write APIs
    5.1.2 Real-time
    5.1.3 Data structures
       Inverted indices
       Columnar store
       Raw document store
       HNSW index for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANN)
       Fundamental data structure differences
       Mutable versus immutable data structures
       Vespa’s mutable and immutable mix
       Apache Lucene segments
       Segment merges
    5.1.4 Threading
  5.2 Query Path
    5.2.1 Threading
    5.2.2 Lexical search (accelerated by Weak AND)
    5.2.3 Vector search using Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search
    5.2.4 Hybrid search
    5.2.5 Pre-filtering and post-filtering
  5.3 Other Aspects
6. System Configuration
  6.1 Hardware Specifications and Software Versions
  6.2 Schema
  6.3 Queries
    6.3.1 Lexical search - accelerated by Weak AND
    6.3.2 Vector search
    6.3.3 Hybrid search
    6.3.4 Result set comparison
  6.4 Elasticsearch Refresh Interval
  6.5 JVM and Thread Pool Settings
  6.6 Test Procedure
7. Description of Sampled Metrics
  7.1 Writes
  7.2 Queries
  7.3 Ratios
8. Results
  8.1 Writes
  8.2 Queries
    8.2.1 Fixed number of clients
       Queries with fixed concurrency and no feeding
       Queries with fixed concurrency during refeeding
    8.2.2 Scaling with increased load & concurrency
       Hybrid search
       Lexical search
       Vector search
  8.3 Results Summary
9. Summary
  9.1 Key Performance Differences
  9.2 Implications of Performance Differences
10. Cost Example
11. How to Reproduce
  11.1 Prerequisites
  11.2 Run Performance Tests
  11.3 Create Report
Appendix A: Other Test Results
  A.1 Fixed number of clients
    A.1.1 Queries with fixed concurrency and no feeding
    A.1.2 Queries with fixed concurrency during refeeding
  A.2 Scaling with increased load & concurrency
    A.2.1 Hybrid search
    A.2.2 Lexical search
    A.2.3 Vector search
  A.3 Impact of less capable hardware
    A.3.1 Overall
    A.3.2 Feed Performance
    A.3.3 Query Performance

Download the report

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A Benchmark for Modernizing Elasticsearch with Vespa

Discover how Vespa outperforms Elasticsearch in query efficiency, scalability, and operational costs, making it a robust choice for modern eCommerce search solutions.

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