Jon Bratseth
Jon Bratseth

Vinted moves from Elasticsearch to Vespa

Vinted is Europe’s largest online C2C marketplace for second-hand fashion. In a new blog post they are reporting impressive results from migrating their search experience from Elasticsearch to Vespa:

The migration was a roaring success. We managed to cut the number of servers we use in half (down to 60). The consistency of search results has improved since we’re now using just one deployment (or cluster, in Vespa terms) to handle all traffic. Search latency has improved by 2.5x and indexing latency by 3x. The time it takes for a change to be visible in search has dropped from 300 seconds (Elasticsearch’s refresh interval) to just 5 seconds. Our search traffic is stable, the query load is deterministic, and we’re ready to scale even further.

Load distribution is evenly distributed across all nodes, meaning no more “hot nodes”. We’ve also increased our ranking depth by more than 3 times, up to 200,000 candidate items. This had a significant business impact, making our search results more relevant due to the increase in ranking depth. Plus, we’re saved some hassle, as we no longer need to toil about continually fine-mingling Elasticsearch shards and replica ratio.

(emphasis added by us). Read the full post over at Vinted’s blog.