Blog search application in Vespa

Update 2021-05-20: This blog post refers to Vespa sample applications that do not exist anymore. Please refer to the News search and recommendation tutorial for an updated version of text and sample applications.


This is the first of a series of blog posts where data from (WP) is used to highlight how Vespa can be used to store, search and recommend blog posts. The data was made available during a Kaggle challenge to predict which blog posts someone would like based on their past behavior. It contains many ingredients that are necessary to showcase needs, challenges and possible solutions that are useful for those interested in building and deploying such applications in production.

The end goal is to build an application where:

  • Users will be able to search and manipulate the pool of blog posts available.
  • Users will get blog post recommendations from the content pool based on their interest.

This part addresses:

  • How to describe the dataset used as well as any information connected to the data.
  • How to set up a basic blog post search engine using Vespa.

The next parts show how to extend this basic search engine application with machine learned models to create a blog recommendation engine.


The dataset contains blog posts written by WP bloggers and actions, in this case ‘likes’, performed by WP readers in blog posts they have interacted with. The dataset is publicly available at Kaggle and was released during a challenge to develop algorithms to help predict which blog posts users would most likely ‘like’ if they were exposed to them. The data includes these fields per blog post:

  • _ post_id _ - unique numerical id identifying the blog post
  • _ date_gmt _ - string representing date of blog post creation in GMT format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
  • _ author _ - unique numerical id identifying the author of the blog post
  • _ url _ - blog post URL
  • _ title _ - blog post title
  • _ blog _ - unique numerical id identifying the blog that the blog post belongs to
  • _ tags _ - array of strings representing the tags of the blog posts
  • _ content _ - body text of the blog post, in html format
  • _ categories _ - array of strings representing the categories the blog post was assigned to

For the user actions:

  • _ post_id _ - unique numerical id identifying the blog post
  • _ uid _ - unique numerical id identifying the user that liked post_id
  • _ dt _ - date of the interaction in GMT format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Downloading raw data

For the purposes of this post, it is sufficient to use the first release of training data that consists of 5 weeks of posts as well as all the ‘like’ actions that occurred during those 5 weeks.

This first release of training data is available here - once downloaded, unzip it. The 1,196,111 line trainPosts.json will be our practice document data. This file is around 5GB in size.


Indexing the full data set requires 23GB disk space. We have tested with a Docker container with 10GB RAM. We used similar settings as described in the vespa quick start guide. As in the guide we assume that the $VESPA_SAMPLE_APPS env variable points to the directory with your local clone of the vespa sample apps:

$ docker run -m 10G --detach --name vespa --hostname vespa --privileged --volume $VESPA_SAMPLE_APPS:/vespa-sample-apps --publish 8080:8080 vespaengine/vespa

Searching blog posts

Functional specification:

  • Blog post title, content, tags and categories must all be searchable
  • Allow blog posts to be sorted by both relevance and date
  • Allow grouping of search results by tag or category

In terms of data, Vespa operates with the notion of documents. A document represents a single, searchable item in your system, e.g., a blog post, a photo, or a news article. Each document type must be defined in the Vespa configuration through a search definition. Think of a search definition as being similar to a table definition in a relational database; it consists of a set of fields, each with a given name, a specific type, and some optional properties.

As an example, for this simple blog post search application, we could create the document type blog_post with the following fields:

  • _ url _ - of type uri
  • _ title _ - of type string
  • _ content _ - of type string (string fields can be of any length)
  • _ date_gmt _ - of type string (to store the creation date in GMT format)

The data fed into Vespa must match the structure of the search definition, and the hits returned when searching will be on this format as well.

Application Packages

A Vespa application package is the set of configuration files and Java plugins that together define the behavior of a Vespa system: what functionality to use, the available document types, how ranking will be done and how data will be processed during feeding and indexing. The search definition, e.g.,, is a required part of an application package — the other required files are services.xml and hosts.xml.

The sample application blog search creates a simple but functional blog post search engine. The application package is found in src/main/application.

Services Specification

services.xml defines the services that make up the Vespa application — which services to run and how many nodes per service:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<services version='1.0'>

  <container id='default' version='1.0'>
      <node hostalias='node1'/>

  <content id='blog_post' version='1.0'>
      <document mode='index' type='blog_post'/>
      <node hostalias='node1'/>

  • <container> defines the container cluster for document, query and result processing
  • <search> sets up the search endpoint for Vespa queries. The default port is 8080.
  • <document-api> sets up the document endpoint for feeding.
  • <nodes> defines the nodes required per service. (See the reference for more on container cluster setup.)
  • <content> defines how documents are stored and searched
  • <redundancy> denotes how many copies to keep of each document.
  • <documents> assigns the document types in the search definition — the content cluster capacity can be increased by adding node elements — see elastic Vespa. (See also the reference for more on content cluster setup.)
  • <nodes> defines the hosts for the content cluster.

Deployment Specification

hosts.xml contains a list of all the hosts/nodes that is part of the application, with an alias for each of them. Here we use a single node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <host name="localhost">

Search Definition

The blog_post document type mentioned in src/main/application/service.xml is defined in the search definition. src/main/application/searchdefinitions/ contains the search definition for a document of type blog_post:

search blog_post {

    document blog_post {

        field date_gmt type string {
            indexing: summary

        field language type string {
            indexing: summary

        field author type string {
            indexing: summary

        field url type string {
            indexing: summary

        field title type string {
            indexing: summary | index

        field blog type string {
            indexing: summary

        field post_id type string {
            indexing: summary

        field tags type array<string> {
            indexing: summary

        field blogname type string {
            indexing: summary

        field content type string {
            indexing: summary | index

        field categories type array<string> {
            indexing: summary

        field date type int {
            indexing: summary | attribute


    fieldset default {
        fields: title, content

    rank-profile post inherits default {

        first-phase {
            expression:nativeRank(title, content)



document is wrapped inside another element called search. The name following these elements, here blog_post, must be exactly the same for both.

The field property indexing configures the indexing pipeline for a field, which defines how Vespa will treat input during indexing — see indexing language. Each part of the indexing pipeline is separated by the pipe character ‘ ’:

Deploy the Application Package

Once done with the application package, deploy the Vespa application — build and start Vespa as in the quick start. Deploy the application:

$ cd /vespa-sample-apps/blog-search
$ vespa-deploy prepare src/main/application && vespa-deploy activate

This prints that the application was activated successfully and also the checksum, timestamp and generation for this deployment (more on that later). Pointing a browser to http://localhost:8080/ApplicationStatus returns JSON-formatted information about the active application, including its checksum, timestamp and generation (and should be the same as the values when vespa-deploy activate was run). The generation will increase by 1 each time a new application is successfully deployed, and is the easiest way to verify that the correct version is active.

The Vespa node is now configured and ready for use.

Feeding Data

The data fed to Vespa must match the search definition for the document type. The data downloaded from Kaggle, contained in trainPosts.json, must be converted to a valid Vespa document format before it can be fed to Vespa. Find a parser in the utility repository. Since the full data set is unnecessarily large for the purposes of this first part of this post, we use only the first 10,000 lines of it, but feel free to load all 1,1M entries:

$ head -10000 trainPosts.json > trainPostsSmall.json
$ python trainPostsSmall.json > feed.json

Send this to Vespa using one of the tools Vespa provides for feeding. Here we will use the Java feeding API:

$ java -jar $VESPA_HOME/lib/jars/vespa-http-client-jar-with-dependencies.jar --verbose --file feed.json --host localhost --port 8080

Note that in the sample-apps/blog-search directory, there is a file with sample data. You may also feed this file using this method.

Track feeding progress

Use the Metrics API to track number of documents indexed:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:19112/state/v1/metrics' | tr ',' '\n' | grep -A 2 proton.doctypes.blog_post.numdocs

You can also inspect the search node state by

$ vespa-proton-cmd --local getState  

Fetch documents

Fetch documents by document id using the Document API:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/document/v1/blog-search/blog_post/docid/1750271' | python -m json.tool

The first query

Searching with Vespa is done using a HTTP GET requests, like:


The only mandatory parameter is the query, using yql=<yql query>. More details can be found in the Search API.

Given the above search definition, where the fields title and content are part of the fieldset default, any document containing the word “music” in one or more of these two fields matches our query below:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/search/?yql=select+*+from+sources+*+where+default+contains+%22music%22%3B' | python -m json.tool

Looking at the output, please note:

  • The field documentid in the output and how it matches the value we assigned to each put operation when feeding data to Vespa.
  • Each hit has a property named relevance, which indicates how well the given document matches our query, using a pre-defined default ranking function. You have full control over ranking — more about ranking and ordering later. The hits are sorted by this value.
  • When multiple hits have the same relevance score their internal ordering is undefined. However, their internal ordering will not change unless the documents are re-indexed.
  • Add &tracelevel=9 to dump query parsing details

Other examples


Once more a search for the single term “music”, but this time with the explicit field title. This means that we only want to match documents that contain the word “music” in the field title. As expected, you will see fewer hits for this query, than for the previous one.


This is a query for the two terms “music” and “festival”, combined with an AND operation; it finds documents that match both terms — but not just one of them.


This is a single-term query in the special field sddocname for the value “blog_post”. This is a common and useful Vespa trick to get the number of indexed documents for a certain document type (search definition): sddocname is a special and reserved field which is always set to the name of the document type for a given document. The documents are all of type blog_post, and will therefore automatically have the field sddocname set to that value.

This means that the query above really means “Return all documents of type blog_post”, and as such all documents in the index are returned.

Relevance and Ranking

Ranking and relevance were briefly mentioned above; what is really the relevance of a hit, and how can one change the relevance calculations? It is time to introduce rank profiles and rank expressions — simple, yet powerful methods for tuning the relevance.

Relevance is a measure of how well a given document matches a query. The default relevance is calculated by a formula that takes several factors into consideration, but it computes, in essence, how well the document matches the terms in the query. Sample use cases for tweaking the relevance calculations:

  • Personalize search results based on some property; age, nationality, language, friends and friends of friends.
  • Rank fresh (age) documents higher, while still considering other relevance measures.
  • Rank documents by geographical location, searching for relevant resources nearby.

Vespa allows creating any number of rank profiles: named collections of ranking and relevance calculations that one can choose from at query time. A number of built-in functions and expressions are available to create highly specialized rank expressions.

Blog popularity signal

It is time to include the notion of blog popularity into the ranking function. Do this by including the post_popularity rank profile below at the bottom of src/main/application/searchdefinitions/, just below the post rank profile.

    rank-profile post_popularity inherits default {

        first-phase {
            expression: nativeRank(title, content) + 10 * if(isNan(attribute(popularity)), 0, attribute(popularity))


Also, add a popularity field at the end of the document definition:

        field popularity type double {
            indexing: summary | attribute

Notes (more information can be found in the search definition reference):

  • rank-profile post_popularity inherits default
    This configures Vespa to create a new rank profile named post_popularity, which inherits all the properties of the default rank-profile; only properties that are explicitly defined, or overridden, will differ from those of the default rank-profile.
  • first-phase
    Relevance calculations in Vespa are two-phased. The calculations done in the first phase are performed on every single document matching your query, while the second phase calculations are only done on the top n documents as determined by the calculations done in the first phase.
  • expression: nativeRank(title, content) + 10 * if(isNan(attribute(popularity)), 0, attribute(popularity))
    Still using the basic search relevance for title and content, boosting documents based on some document level popularity signal.
    This expression is used to rank documents. Here, the default ranking expression — the nativeRank of the default field set — is included to make the query relevant, while the custom, second term includes the document value attribute(popularity), if this is set. The weighted sum of these two terms is the final relevance for each document.

Deploy the configuration:

$ vespa-deploy prepare src/main/application && vespa-deploy activate

Use — which has a -p option to calculate and add a popularity field — and then feed the parsed data:

$ python -p trainPostsSmall.json > feed_with_popularity.json
$ java -jar $VESPA_HOME/lib/jars/vespa-http-client-jar-with-dependencies.jar --file feed_with_popularity.json --host localhost --port 8080

After feeding, query

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/search/?yql=select+*+from+sources+*+where+default+contains+%22music%22%3B&ranking=post_popularity' | python -m json.tool

and find documents with high popularity values at the top.

Sorting and Grouping

What is an attribute?

An attribute is an in-memory field - this is different from index fields, which may be moved to a disk-based index as more documents are added and the index grows. Since attributes are kept in memory, they are excellent for fields which require fast access, e.g., fields used for sorting or grouping query results. The downside is higher memory usage. By default, no index is generated for attributes, and search over these defaults to a linear scan - to build an index for an attribute field, include attribute:fast-search in the field definition.

Defining an attribute field

An example is found in

field date type int {
    indexing: summary | attribute

The data has format YYYYMMDD. And since the field is an int, it can be used for range searches.

Example queries using attribute field


This is a single-term query for the term 20120426 in the default field set. (The strings %22 and %3B are URL encodings for " and ;.) In the search definition, the field date is not included in the default field set. Nevertheless, the string “20120426” is found in the content of many posts, which are returned then as results.


To get documents that were created 26 April 2012, and whose date field is 20120426, replace default with date in the YQL query string. Note that since date has not been defined with attribute:fast-search, searching will be done by scanning all documents.


A query with two terms; a search in the default field set for the term “recipe” combined with a search in the date field for the value 20120426. This search will be faster than the previous example, as the term “recipe” is for a field for which there is an index, and for which the search core will evaluate the query first. (This speedup is only noticeable with the full data set!)

Range searches

The examples above searched over date just as any other field, and requested documents where the value was exactly 20120426. Since the field is of type int, however, we can use it for range searches as well, using the “less than” and “greater than” operators (< and >, or %3C and %3E URL encoded). The query


finds all documents where the value of date is less than 20120401, i.e., all documents from before April 2012, while


finds all documents exactly from March 2012.


The first feature we will look at is how an attribute can be used to change the hit order. By now, you have probably noticed that hits are returned in order of descending relevance, i.e., how well the document matches the query — if not, take a moment to verify this.

Now try to send the following query to Vespa, and look at the order of the hits:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/search/?yql=select+*+from+sources+*+where+default+contains+%22music%22+AND+default+contains+%22festival%22+order+by+date%3B' | python -m json.tool

By default, sorting is done in ascending order. This can also be specified by appending asc after the sort attribute name. Use desc to sort the in descending order:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/search/?yql=select+*+from+sources+*+where+default+contains+%22music%22+AND+default+contains+%22festival%22+order+by+date+desc%3B' | python -m json.tool

Query time data grouping

Grouping is the concept of looking through all matching documents at query-time and then performing operations with specified fields across all the documents — some common use cases include:

  • Find all the unique values for a given field, make one group per unique value, and return the count of documents per group.
  • Group documents by time and date in fixed-width or custom-width buckets. An example of fixed-width buckets could be to group all documents by year, while an example of custom buckets could be to sort bug tickets by date of creation into the buckets Today, Past Week, Past Month, Past Year, and Everything else.
  • Calculate the minimum/maximum/average value for a given field.

Displaying such groups and their sizes (in terms of matching documents per group) on a search result page, with a link to each such group, is a common way to let users refine searches. For now we will only do a very simple grouping query to get a list of unique values for date ordered by the number of documents they occur in and top 3 is shown:

$ curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/search/?yql=select%20*%20from%20sources%20*%20where%20sddocname%20contains%20%22blog_post%22%20limit%200%20%7C%20all(group(date)%20max(3)%20order(-count())each(output(count())))%3B' | python -m json.tool

With the full data set, you will get the following output:

    "root": {
        "children": [
                "children": [
                        "children": [
                                "fields": {
                                    "count()": 43
                                "id": "group:long:20120419",
                                "relevance": 1.0,
                                "value": "20120419"
                                "fields": {
                                    "count()": 40
                                "id": "group:long:20120424",
                                "relevance": 0.6666666666666666,
                                "value": "20120424"
                                "fields": {
                                    "count()": 39
                                "id": "group:long:20120417",
                                "relevance": 0.3333333333333333,
                                "value": "20120417"
                        "continuation": {
                            "next": "BGAAABEBGBC"
                        "id": "grouplist:date",
                        "label": "date",
                        "relevance": 1.0
                "continuation": {
                    "this": ""
                "id": "group:root:0",
                "relevance": 1.0
        "coverage": {
            "coverage": 100,
            "documents": 1000,
            "full": true,
            "nodes": 0,
            "results": 1,
            "resultsFull": 1
        "fields": {
            "totalCount": 1000
        "id": "toplevel",
        "relevance": 1.0

The three most common unique values of date are listed, along with their respective counts.

Try to change the filter part of the YQL+ expression — the where clause — to a text match of “recipe”, or restrict date to be less than 20120401, and see how the list of unique values changes as the set of matching documents for your query changes. Try to search for the single term “Verizon” as well — a word we know is not present in the document set, and as such will match no documents — and you will see that the list of groups is empty.

Attribute limitations

Memory usage

Attributes are kept in memory at all time, as opposed to normal indexes where the data is mostly kept on disk. Even with large search nodes, one will notice that it is not practical to define all the search definition fields as attributes, as it will heavily restrict the number of documents per search node. Some Vespa installations have more than 1 billion documents per node — having megabytes of text in memory per document is not an option.


Another limitation is the way matching is done for attributes. Consider the field blogname from our search definition, and the document for the blog called “Thinking about museums”. In the original input, the value for blogname is a string built of up the three words “Thinking”, “about”, and “museums”, with a single whitespace character between them. How should we be able to search this field?

For normal index fields, Vespa does something called tokenization on the string. In our case this means that the string above is split into the three tokens “Thinking”, “about” and “museums”, enabling Vespa to match this document both for the single-term queries “Thinking”, “about” and “museums”, the exact phrase query “Thinking about museums”, and a query with two or more tokens in either order (e.g. “museums thinking”). This is how we all have come to expect normal free text search to work.

However, there is a limitation in Vespa when it comes to attribute fields and matching; attributes do not support normal token-based matching — only exact matching or prefix matching. Exact matching is the default, and, as the name implies, it requires you to search for the exact contents of the field in order to get a match.

When to use attributes

There are both advantages and drawbacks of using attributes — it enables sorting and grouping, but requires more memory and gives limited matching capabilities. When to use attributes depends on the application; in general, use attributes for:

  • fields used for sorting, e.g., a last-update timestamp,
  • fields used for grouping, e.g., problem severity, and
  • fields that are not long string fields.

Finally, all numeric fields should always be attributes.

Clean environment by removing all documents

vespa-remove-index removes all documents:

$ vespa-stop-services
$ vespa-remove-index
$ vespa-start-services


You should now have a basic understanding of how Vespa can help build your application. In the next blog post we will proceed to show how can we use Statistics and Machine Learning to extend a basic search application into a recommendation system.

Read more